Graduate Division of Earth System and GeoInformation Science (ESGS) was established in September 2005 under the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) to offer PhD and MPhil programmes in fields of specialization in GeoInformation Science.
MPhil Stream
- Students are required to complete a minimum of 14 units for graduation, including a minimum of 8 units of required lecture courses and 6 units of elective lecture courses.
- Thesis research course is required to take every term.
- Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
PhD Stream
- Students are required to complete a minimum of 14 units for graduation, including a minimum of 8 units of required lecture courses and 6 units of elective lecture courses.
- Thesis research course is required to take every term.
- Students are required to submit a thesis proposal and make an oral presentation and defence of the thesis proposal to fulfill post-candidacy requirements.
- Students are required to submit a final thesis and make the final thesis oral defence for graduation.
Fields of Specialization
- Satellite Remote Sensing
- Geographic Information System
- Society, Space and Environments
- Cities and Metropolitan Areas
Admisson Requirements
- Applicants must meet the general qualifications required for admission to the Graduate School.
- PhD applicants should possess an outstanding Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree in geoinformation science or a related subject.
- MPhil applicants should hold the bachelor degree of Science, Engineering or Social Science.
Additional Application Information
- PhD applicants are required to submit a study plan and to furnish proof of their research capability in the form of strong recommendations from their academic referees, or past publications.
- MPhil applicants are required to submit a study plan for review.
Admission Advisor
Prof. KWAN Mei Po
Application Deadline
1 December 2023
For applicants who apply for PhD programme through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)
31 March 2024
For applicants who apply for MPhil/PhD programme directly with CUHK (i.e. non-HKPFS applicants)
Graduate Division of ESGS
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science,
Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 4279