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December 17, 2012

ISEIS and United Nations ESCAP enhance coorperation on precaution or preparedness against natural calamities (Chinese)


November 30, 2012

Professor Xu Guanhua gave a seminar in ISEIS (Chinese)


October 30, 2012

ISEIS is chosen as International Ocean Remote Sensing Training Station (Chinese)


October 18, 2012

CUHK ISEIS Professor Assisted in Search and Rescue for the Lamma Island Ferry Disaster

The vessels collision near Lamma Island in early October caused scores of injuries and deaths. Deeply saddened about the tragic accident, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) had provided timely support to the search and rescue operations. Prof. Pan Jiayi of ISEIS was entrusted by the Hong Kong Observatory to generate information of ocean surface current on the date of accident and the week after to facilitate the rescue and search operations...

August 29, 2012

CUHK Achieves Breakthrough in Unified Remote Sensing Image Fusion Technology Advancing Applications in Environmental and Ecosystem Monitoring

The Precision Remote Sensing Group led by Prof. Huang Bo of the Department of Geography and Resource Management and the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has developed a unified remote sensing image fusion technology that generates synthetic imagery with simultaneously high spatial, temporal, spectral, and angular (STSA) resolution to capture complex structures and changes in a dynamic, high-density urban environment like Hong Kong...

August 21, 2012

United Nations ESCAP held telephone conference on regional cooperation mechanism of spatial technology application in ISEIS

Delegation of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) visited Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and held telephone meeting with other Asia-Pacific countries and regions on regional cooperative mechanisms in space application. Delegates were from mainland China, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Typhoon Committee Secretariat of World Meteorological Organization of United Nations. Mr. WANG Keran, the Chief of Space Applications Section of ESCAP was the moderator of the meeting...

August 10, 2012

CUHK ISEIS Supports Government Departments in Pellets Clean-up

The influence brought by the recent typhoon Vincente on July 23 has not ended. During that day, 150 tonnes of polypropylene pellets were blown into the sea. Despite clean-up operations by government departments and volunteers during the past few days, more than half of the plastic pellets are yet to be cleaned up (up to August 9), according to the source from Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. Although the pellets are non-toxic, and Sinopec has vowed to devote HK$10 million for the clean-up operation, the issue is still under great concern since the pellets will become toxic after they absorb toxic substances in seawater...

August 6, 2012

CUHK ISEIS and Sentinel Asia work together on Beijing Floods Analysis (Chinese version only)

北京於上月21日經歷了61年來最嚴重的暴雨。據新華社報導,北京當日錄得平均170毫米的降雨量,在房山區更錄得460毫米的雨量。此次暴雨造成嚴重水浸、泥石流、通訊中斷、航班延誤、道路損毀及食水受污染等;並導致77人因房屋倒塌、觸電、溺水或雷電擊中等而死亡、約三萬名居民亦須從北京市外的山區疏散。北京現正忙於救災善後重建工作,預防災後疫症爆發及地質災害等所帶來的破壞。香港中文大學(中大)太空與地球信息科學研究所(下稱太空所)聯同日本守望亞洲災害監測組織(Sentinel Asia,下稱守望亞洲)合作分析北京水災災情,為救災行動提供重要的技術支援...

July 15, 2012

CUHK Scholar Receives 'Dragon Programme' Award for Advanced Technology to Detect Ground Movement from Space Satellites

Prof. Daniele Perissin of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received the 'Dragon Programme' award from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC) in appreciation and recognition of his outstanding contribution to the success and achievements of the second phase of the Dragon Programme, the largest cooperation programme on space remote sensing between ESA and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST). The award presentation ceremony took place at the Dragon II Symposium held in Beijing earlier...

July 5, 2012

Naming Ceremony for Chen Shupeng Geoinformation Science Book Gallery (Chinese version only)


June 15, 2012

ISEIS holds GeoInformatics 2012 International Conference (Chinese version only)


May 30, 2012

ISEIS holds Advanced Workshop on Building Energy Efficiency (Chinese version only)


April 30, 2012

ISEIS starts the Environmental Research Across-borders of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau (Chinese version only)


March 19, 2012

CUHK Professor to Lead Chinese Team in the Sino-European Dragon 3 Programme for Monitoring Cryosphere Dynamics in Tibetan Plateau

The Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) research group led by Prof. Lin Hui of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently won a research grant from Dragon 3 Programme (2012-2016). The winning project, ‘Monitoring Cryosphere Dynamics in Tibetan Plateau with Integrated Earth Observations’, focuses on cryosphere dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau by the synergistic use of microwave and optical earth observations as well as ground measurements...

Feburary 24, 2012

ISEIS holds The 4th Forum on Environmental Remote Sensing for Pearl River Delta Region (Chinese version only)


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